Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Pregnant at 20 weeks-Recurrent Miscarriage

We are officially 20 weeks and 2 days.  I know I haven't kept up with the blog.  We have had so many appointments and ultrasounds it is hard to keep anything going. 

We found out we are having a girl.  I have had all sorts of fun testing done.  The only thing they have found is low PAPP-A.  I'm in the 2nd percentile which can mean all sorts of fun things like preeclampsia, IUGR, miscarriage, stillbirth.  So right now I have ultrasounds every 4 weeks, then soon it will be 2 weeks, and then 1 week at 32 weeks.  I'm still on the Folgard, Baby Aspirin, Lovenox, and Prenatal daily.  Then of course my Zofran and Prevacid.  It will be all worth it in the end.  

I'm not sure if I posted this or not but they found out that I also have a clotting condition that they call PAI-1 4G/4G mutation.  I'll keep updated as much as I can remember.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Amazing-Pregnant Recurrent Miscarriage

Sooooo we were told I had probably developed an allergy to my husband semen after our post coital test.  We decided to take a few months off before we did the IUI's because I wanted to try to lose a few pounds.  Low and behold...without medications, without ovulation strips WE ARE PREGNANT.  I'm 5 weeks today.  I had my hcg drawn at around 13 dpo at it was 170 with a progesterone of 21 (without supplements) and then again at 17dpo and hcg was 694 and progesterone 26.  We have everything crossed that we will keep this one.  But we won't know for sure until the baby is in our arms.  I have a progesterone draw today and a ultrasound a week from today.  We shall see.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

2nd round of Clomid

So my first round was a total bust.   We are now 4 dpo on Clomid and Ovidrel trigger.  And I'm 100% sure it will be a bust.  I went into the office the day after my Ovidrel trigger to have a post coital test done.   We were given no instructions except to have sex.  We did and when I went in 12 1/2 hours later there was only one live sperm swimming and the rest were dead.  The nurse informed me I have probably developed an allergy to my husband's semen.  And that an IUI would be our only option.  She then scheduled me for an IUI on Monday.  Which would have been 72 hours post trigger.  I politely cancelled.  I didn't feel that 72 hours later would be worth the money.  So we are taking a the summer months off of meds and TTC and starting back up in August or September.  It really blows because I had 4 mature follicles all measuring 24mm, 19mm, and two 18 mm's before the trigger.  Oh well.  Maybe one day we will have baby number three.

Friday, April 13, 2012

3 DPO-Recurrent Miscarriage, Clomid and Ovidrel

I'm still trucking along.  I'm having some major cramps.  I think I may have had a cyst burst last night.  I need to take pics of my HPT to show the progression.  I currently still have HCG in my system.  I think I'm ready to take a bit of a break.  I just realized the last baby that we saw the heartbeat on and lost has been gone for 9 months.  The baby would have been 3-4 months old.  Totally blows.  I know there has to be a plan. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

1 DPO-Recurrent Miscarriages

It has been determined that I am 1 day post ovulation or 1 DPO.  At around 12:30 a.m. Tuesday morning I had the worst cramping pains on both sides of my abdomen.  I seriously thought my ovaries might explode.  The pain lasted most of yesterday.  But it wasn't horrible all day it felt more like I had done a thousand sit-ups then punched myself in the gut a few dozen times.  But from all the reading I have done the Ovidrel trigger shot (250ug) has you ovulate between 36-39 hours and that is what the pain equals out to be. 

I am beginning to POAS.  I know it's too early!  I'm testing out my trigger shot.  I went to the Dollar Tree and bought a bunch of $1 tests to waste on this fun experiment.  I just can't bare poas and thinking I'm pregnant and it actually the trigger shot.  It was definitely positive today.  I will post a picture tomorrow. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Clomid, Ovidrel, and Timed Intercourse-Recurrent Miscarriage

My RE gave us 3 cycles to TTC on our own.  All BFN by the way.  Now we are on Cycle 4 of TTC.  I went into the office on cycle day 3.  I had no cysts.  I spoke with the nurse.  They scheduled a HSG.  Gave me 50 mg of Clomid to start on cycle day 3.  And then scheduled me for an ultrasound on cycle day 10.   

I took the Clomid.   I haven't had many side effects from it.  I think I had a couple of hot flashes but it could just be the weather.  (It can't seem to make up it's mind).  I'm glad that there was no mood swings because I really don't think my husband or children will stay with me if I have more mood swings then I already do.

I had my HSG done.  Tubes are open.  No Asherman's.  I had already diagnosed myself with Asherman's because well...I've had about a thousand d and c's from all the miscarriages.  (That may be overstating the number a bit but it feels like it)  They could see my c-section scar but nothing terrible there.

Then comes the ultrasound.  Why day 10?   Well I normally have a positive opk on day 10 around 11 a.m.  But of course I didn't this time.  They did the ultrasound and told me I have a 20mm and 17 mm follicle and that I need to wait until the following day to do the trigger.  I left the office feeling more confused then ever.   She told me NOT to wait for a positive OPK to trigger no matter what the next day.  Didn't give me a time or anything.   So I triggered at 10 a.m. I figured it was 24 hours + some past the appointment time.  I'm a "retired" R. N.  so I thought oh...I can do this little shot all by myself.  I have never laughed/cried so much at the same time ever.  I would count to 3...start to inject myself and stop.  Hesitation is not a good thing.  My DH said he would do it but...he had these really huge fingers and I didn't want him to hurt me.  Eventually after about 10 minutes of craziness.  I did it.  It doesn't hurt.  Just a little burning.  The only symptoms I have so far is sleepiness.  But we DTD last night and have plans to tonight and tomorrow.  I have a feeling this cycle won't work.  I think we triggered a little too early.  We shall see.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

AF arrived right on time-3 miscarriages in a row

My cycle runs about 24-25 days long.  It arrived late last night but is now officially "full" flow.  Cycle day 1.   I have to call the RE's office  to inform them, although I have no idea why.  Yay.  Anyway I think I'm starting a low carb diet today.  I think they think I have PCOS.  I don't have a lot of the "normal" symptoms but I'm going to go with the reason I'm fat is because I'm insulin resistant and give low carb a go.